was released upon the unsuspecting world. No one was hurt. is the spiritual center of the noga cult. This cult is the largest in the world. Everyone NOT doing yoga at any moment is most likely, doing noga instead. We welcome you to this realization of ubiquitous membership in noga.
The choice of URL is now recognized by UNESCO as a human right. is registered in the DNS database to protect the rights of all Noga practitioners. represents the separate yet infinitesimally connected worlds of noga with yoga. The ‘dot’ in represents the single point of contact between the two universes. A singularity represents they touch but only at this single point.
It has been theorized that one COULD do noga while practicing yoga. This seemingly incompatible concept is not for the unprepared, as it can lead to a questioning of noga faith and a mental implosion. Be careful thinking about it! Wait! Too late!