Noga improves practitioners mental health. Noga creates a ‘high polar’ effect that is contagious and possibly even viral.



Noga Central




Bryan Cooper


Be Nice to Your Jello.

Be Nice to Your Jello

with this jello mold from Party City.

Brains. Not just for Zombies anymore!

Achieving Noga is a state of mindful-lessness. Watching one’s mind lose it’s mind is like misplacing the car keys. You know you left them here somewhere - you can see the car. Same with one’s mind - how far can it go when it’s body is still (apparently) here?

Noga mental health is founded on jello. 2 1/2 lbs of jello in fact. Our brains represent a gateway to the literally infinite Universe. Our brains are like the tiny ‘dot’ in; connecting 2 infinite spheres at a single point of contact. We use this jello to plug into something much larger.

So, wow does one cope with this overwhelming enormity of our brain’s position?

First, by being nice to our jello. It’s only a small glob, and we expect much too much from it. While the Universe is infinite, our bit of jello is small and finite.


What we’ve accomplished:



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Nulla tincidunt eu diam quis tincidunt. Etiam sed nulla sagittis, tristique urna id, porta erat. Vestibulum et erat vel libero ornare mattis. Vivamus elementum quis augue vel gravida. Nunc lorem magna, facilisis ut suscipit nec, iaculis nec nibh. Pellentesque leo arcu, fringilla ut pharetra at.



Cras malesuada vel turpis nec vehicula. Quisque quis neque vitae nulla lobortis aliquam in in turpis. Aliquam sed iaculis lorem. Quisque ac risus nulla. Nulla dictum velit nec nunc interdum varius. Phasellus vehicula sapien nulla, at interdum leo eleifend vitae. Mauris ullamcorper auctor laoreet. Ut varius libero ut sem ornare, id ultricies ipsum aliquet.