
The way of the Noga

Noga is Not Yoga.

Yoga encourages people to stretch their bodies into formal poses. Noga encourages people to recognize the noga position they are already in, both physically and mentally.

Everyone not doing Yoga is potentially practicing their Noga.

Noga is all pervasive, all powerful, and super easy and great fun - much more than you know-ga.

Today, thanks to our resident Nogi, everyone can follow the Noga way. In fact, most people ALREADY are doing Noga right now, without truly understanding it.

Noga pervades all and persuades many…some…a rare few to follow the Noga way.


“Juggling Vegetables'“ is a daily noga ritual in many parts of the world.


Our Beginning


“Noga is ‘not yoga’. You are probably doing noga right now.”

— bryan cooper, noga channel


The discovery of noga couldn’t come at a more opportune time. While yoga has expanded geometrically, there is clearly a need for ‘the other’. Noga is not yoga. In fact, noga is everything not yoga. Except for things that are not noga. Not noga isn’t yoga either.


Our Mission

Check out the noga aware sheep dog! source:

Many day to day activities look quite innocent and unconnected. Noga masters though can see through this patina of normality, and highlight the beauty, the art, the balance that is noga.



of Noga is invisible.


of Noga is not invisible.


of Noga is trans-visible.